Ponteland 01661 822222
Wylam 01661 852515

Travel Vaccinations

To access our local travel vaccination clinic in Hexham, click this link: https://www.masta-travel-health.com/FindAClinic – it will show up as “Sele Medical Practice (HPCA) Hexham Primary Care Centre

We no longer have a travel advice / vaccination clinic at the surgery but as a patient, you have access to this local service. It is run by the local federation of West Northumberland GP practices, HPCA.


There are some vaccinations that are available on the NHS, but these can only be given if you have been seen in a private travel clinic first.

These vaccinations can be given on the NHS at the surgery if you have a matching letter from a private travel clinic:
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (combined DTP booster), Typhoid, Hepatitis A

We cannot give the following vaccinations and you will need to arrange these through a private travel clinic:
Yellow fever, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Japanese encephalitis, Tuberculosis (TB)

To receive travel vaccinations provided by the NHS at the surgery , you must visit a private travel clinic at least 4 weeks beforehand. Your travel clinic will advise you on the necessary advice and vaccinations for the destination you are traveling to. They will need to give you written confirmation of this.

Please bring a written copy of your personal travel vaccine recommendations to the practice when you book your appointment at least four weeks in advance. Without this, we cannot book your appointment.

On request, the practice can supply you with a record of your immunisation history to take to the travel clinic.  Alternatively you should be able to print this from your online record.

Destination specific travel advice is no longer available on the NHS, which is why you need to attend a private clinic first.


In addition to the link at the top of this page, you can find travel clinics online, the following are local (this list could well be out of date):



Within Boots the Chemist

Hotspur Way

Eldon Square

Newcastle Upon Tyne




46-52 Northumberland Street

Newcastle Upon Tyne



Date published: 8th May, 2017
Date last updated: 14th November, 2024